Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Supporting Academic Success: An Integrated Approach established

The Quality Enhancement Plan is the component of the reaffirmation process that reflects and affirms the commitment of the Commission on Colleges to enhancing the quality of higher education in the region and to focusing attention on student learning. Click here for executive summary about Hollins University’s Quality Enhancement Plan: Supporting Academic SUCCESS: An Integrated Approach.

QEP Details

Hollins University’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Supporting Academic Success: An Integrated Approach established in 2017, is the result of a 20-month process involving faculty, students, administrators and staff. With the oversight of a faculty-led steering committee, these constituents (along with SACSCOC Senior Leadership Team) contributed to a final plan designed to improve student learning and the environment that supports learning at the university.

SACSCOC Leadership Team

  • Nancy O. Gray, President
  • Patricia “Trish”Hammer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Kerry Edmonds, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Patricia “Patty” O’Toole, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • Audrey F. Stone, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
  • Jason Hamilton, Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing
  • Brook Dickson, Executive Assistant to the President
  • Michael Gettings, Chair of the Faculty and Associate Professor of Philosophy
  • Katie Read, Director of Institutional Effectiveness

QEP is primarily driven by faculty, the Leadership Team decided on a faculty nomination and election process to establish the QEP Steering Committee with faculty members representing the breadth of the academic program. The QEP Steering Committee was chosen from the ranks of the faculty by nomination and election in spring 2015

QEP Steering Committee (as of 2017)

  • Division I (Humanities) Representative: Thorpe Moeckel, Associate Professor of English and Director, Jackson Center for Creative Writing
  • Division II (Social Sciences) Representative: Jon Bohland, Associate Professor and Director, International Studies (replaced Jill Weber, Assistant Professor of Communication Studiesas Division II representative in spring 2016)
  • Division III (Natural Sciences) Representative: Rick Michalski, Associate Professor of Psychology
  • Division IV (Fine Arts) Representative: Bob Sulkin, Professor of Art
  • Chair of the Faculty: Michael Gettings, Associate Professor of Philosophy
  • Consulting Member: Patricia W. “Trish” Hammer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Consulting Member: Katie Read, Director of Institutional Effectiveness




QEP Leadership