Assessment Resources

Assessment Reporting Structure and Deadlines

Undergraduate Academic Programs
Undergraduate academic programs report the results of program-level student learning outcomes assessment and use of results for program improvement for the most recently completed academic year annually to the Vice President for Academic Affairs by June 15.

Graduate Academic Programs
Graduate academic programs report the results of program-level student learning outcomes assessment and use of results for program improvement for the most recently completed academic year annually to the Vice President for Academic Affairs by September 15.

Academic and Student Support Units & Administrative Units
Academic and student support units  and administrative units report the results of unit-level assessment and use of results for unit improvement for the most recently completed academic year annually. Reporting deadlines vary and are set by area Vice Presidents.

At Hollins, departments and offices in the Finance and Administration, Institutional Advancement, and Enrollment and Marketing areas are classified as administrative units.  Departments and offices in the Student Affairs and Academic Affairs areas are classified as academic and student support units.